Thursday, February 19, 2009's "our" Month

Have a cuppa and read on...

February for our units means time:

To get TB tests from Infection control
Head down there on Monday, Tuesdays or Wednesdays to get yours planted and most importantly get it read 48-72 hours later and send back to Infection Control.

To get your glucose competency done.
So catch up with me to get your glucometer competency completed before you expire at the end of the month. You have all been seeing the countdown to when you are about to expire if you are using it, if you have done it with me then I have sent your papers down to Emily Cyr (the new coordinator for point of care tests) and she has to process them before we are all renewed.

For Change:
We are all still in a holding pattern for the move to Med/Surg. I have heard that the maintenance has commenced to get wiring set up and we are still on a day by day basis but bear with us, I know it's challenging but we will get there when the time is right, we need to do this safely for our patients no matter how frustrating it gets for us in the throes of the change.

still sipping on your cuppa good-have a good day/night!

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